Electricity Transmission
We transmit electricity from the main grid to electricity distribution companies and large end-users of electricity.
A major Finnish electricity distributor
EPV Alueverkko Oy is the biggest 110 kV transmission company in Finland. It transmits energy in Ostrobothnia, South Ostrobothnia, Kokkola and the Tornio region. In addition, EPV Alueverkko Oy controls the 110 kV transmission lines from Pohjolan Voima’s hydroelectric power stations to the main grid.
EPV Teollisuusverkot Oy is a company owned by EPV Energy and Outokumpu and it owns the 110 kV transmission lines located in Tornio.
EPV Siirtoverkot Oy focuses on building electricity transmission infrastructure to a large-scale industrial zone (GigaVaasa) planned to be in Laajametsä, Vaasa, Finland.