Energy transmission reliability

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Sustainability Report 2023

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Sustainability is the basis of EPV’s operations. This is clearly evident in our activities, way of thinking and management. Together with our personnel and partners, we are creating a cleaner world.

Read our Sustainability Report to see what we achieved in 2023!

A major Finnish electricity distributor

EPV produces and purchases electricity and heat for its shareholders, the national energy companies. We invest in emission-free, reliable energy production.

We are one of the most important domestic electricity transmitters. We transmit electricity from the main grid and diverse electricity production plants to electricity distribution companies and large electricity end-users. Our job is to ensure that the electricity being transmitted is of high quality and reliable.

Modern electricty grid promote transmission reliability

We are continuously investing in the infrastructure of the grid, so that it can reliably transmit even more wind powered energy. Investments and modernizations further strengthens the transmission reliability and safety. The management of the infrastructure is based on the life-cycle assessment of the instruments.

We are continuously investing in the infrastructure of the grid, so that it can reliably transmit even more wind powered energy.

The control system for the operation of the electricity grid is at the heart of the operation. The volume of data transfer has grown and will continue to do so.

The information is now mainly moving with fiber instead of copper. The fiber again travels from one electric station to another. A well-functioning and adequate data transfer enables efficient continuous monitoring and operation of the system.

Because a functioning distribution and transmission grid has such a critical role in society, we are always preparing to rebuild and maintain or grids in different crisis situations. Separate detailed instructions has been made for major disturbances or crises.

Environmental issues are also considered when building grids. The environmental report includes, among other things, ancient sites, flora, birds and fauna, which affects how the grid route is adapted to the terrain.


News about sustainability